Wednesday 17 October 2012

Zedakah: Learn, Know, Reshape

Justice and only
 justice, you shall

Deuteronomy 16:20 

Zedakah. We are called to be light and salt to this World. We are asked to live a life that matters. We are invited to have love and compassion for our neighbours. 

But this world is broken. We as humans are broken. We need God; people need to feel God's love in tangible ways. We need to seek justice. 

Zedakah is a response to the brokenness in our world. Many people don't know what is happening in our world, and if they knew maybe they could do something to help. Zedakah's primary goal is to help people become aware of the brokenness  around them, and give them real ways to help bring about positive God-inspired change. 

If many little people,
in many little places, 
do many little things,
they can change
the face of the Earth. 

-African Proverb